2000 Settings (*.afs)!*.afs!All Files (*.*)!*.*! 2001 An error occured while attempting to open the settings file. 2002 An error occured while attempting to write to the settings file. 2003 An error occured while attempting to read from the settings file. This file may not have the correct format. 2004 An error occured while attempting to create a sample for this image. This operation cannot be completed. 2005 Unable to allocate local memory. This operation cannot be completed. 2006 The file '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? 2007 An error occured while attempting to create the file '%s' in the plug-in directory. 2008 An error occured while attempting to create the file '%s' in the plug-in directory.\nIf you are using SHARE with Windows 3.1, refer to the ReadMe file for more information. 2009 An error occured while attempting to write to the file '%s' in the plug-in directory. 2010 The new filter '%s' was successfully created.